Discover Saint Joseph Abbey

Saint Joseph Abbey is a Benedictine community of monks located on 1,100 acres of beautiful pine forests in Saint Benedict, Louisiana. Since 1889, the Abbey has been an abiding spiritual presence throughout the Gulf South, has played an active role in evangelization and parochial ministry, and through Saint Joseph Seminary College, has educated many of the region’s religious and civic leaders. Through the years, we have remained faithful to prayer, work, and the monastic way of life.

Join Our Community of Monks

Are you discerning a monastic vocation and want to find out more about becoming a Benedictine monk at Saint Joseph Abbey?

Pray With Us

The monks at Saint Joseph Abbey gather four times a day for common prayer (the Divine Office), and at midday they celebrate the Eucharist. The public is invited to join the monks at any of the daily liturgies in the beautiful and historic Abbey Church.

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Support Our Ministries

The monks of Saint Joseph Abbey are able to minister to the surrounding areas through our various works and provide a beautiful, welcoming campus for visitors thanks to your generous donations. There are numerous areas in which you can give to support the missions and operation of the Abbey. Please consider a secure online donation today!

To view the Abbey’s latest appeal, click the button below.

Learn About Our Work

The monks at Saint Joseph Abbey live a balanced life centered around the Benedictine motto, Ora et Labora, which translates to prayer and work. Monks work in the various apostolates at the Abbey, including Saint Joseph Seminary College, and minister in nearby parishes, at schools, and at other religious facilities.

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